
Announcing the Becoming a Girl of Grace Launch Team


Hello, friends!  I have fun to share news about Becoming a Girl of Grace, A Bible Study for Tween Girls & Their Moms.   Before we get to the exciting news, though, I wanted to take a moment to give thanks and recognition to all the wonderful people who helped make this book possible.

Please join me in giving a shout out to the team behind the wonder of this book becoming a reality–my literary agent, editors, graphic designers, marketing team–not to mention countless friends and family who have encouraged and cheered loudly for me throughout this journey to create a Bible study series for moms and tween girls.  The mamas and daughters who have participated and provided feedback over the last five years of Bible study classes are also very much a part of how and why the first of these books will be hitting stores on February 7, 2017.

Anyone who knows me understands how much I love teamwork.  Gosh, look at the name of Team Grace Ministries.  I think of moms and daughters as teams, and I am so humbled and honored to journey alongside so many wonderful ladies–small and tall.   The relationship between a mom and daughter is unique, and I believe with every fiber of my soul that this bond is something to be nurtured and cherished.

We often set our lives to the rhythm of rush, which means sometimes seasons of life pass us by all too quickly.  It is so important as parents to love our children and teach them how to develop their relationships with Jesus while deepening our own.  This is the heart behind why I wrote the Girls of Grace Bible study series for tween girls and their moms.  Sometimes, we just need a little encouragement to press pause on our busy lives, dig into scripture and build fun memories with our mini me’s.

Well, this is the exciting news part!  I am expanding my team and need your help spreading kindness and encouragement to moms and tween girls everywhere.  Want to be a part?

I’d love to invite you to join the Becoming a Girl of Grace launch team!

Just a few things to cover quickly:

1. We are all busy gals, and I am so not in the business of adding to your to-do list.  If your plate feels too full and this isn’t your season to help, I get it. You are exactly where you are supposed to be.  This is for the person who feels like she has a little extra time (and willingness!) to help me spread the word about the book in her circle of influence–social media, blog, church, school, company.

2. Every member of our launch team will receive a complimentary copy of the book.  This is the newly expanded and revised edition of Becoming a Girl of Grace, so even if you’ve already been through the study, this could be a wonderful to gift another mom and daughter team with a copy.

3. You need to be on my email list to get the sign-up form. If you’re not on my email list, you can fix that by signing up in the right-hand sidebar! I’m going to send out an email THIS FRIDAY that will contain the sign-up form for the team. You should hear back quickly about what to expect next.

A little more about what a Launch Team looks like…

1. Maybe you’ve been on a team before or maybe this all sounds foreign to you. Believe me, that was me, and that is a-okay!  The launch team is not supposed to be a group of experts, rather we are looking for friends to help us share a really great message for moms and daughters.

2. The Launch Team will be asked to read the book, share favorite quotes, post a review, and share images on social media. Remember, this is for the reader who has time and is willing to help spread the word about the book in their circle of influence–social media, blog, church, school, company.

3. We’ll get started next week and the team will run through book launch – February 7, 2017. More details will be forthcoming about what’s next, how to get started, etc.  I promise you’ll hear lots of thank you’s from me, so please know in advance what a gift your time will be for the mamas and tween girls who are able to receive encouragement because of your servant hearts.

I am so excited to begin this journey with you!   Go, team!

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Catherine Bird: A Four Week Advent Study
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