Catherine Bird: Armor of God

Armor of God

A Bible Study for Tweens and Parents in Today's Spiritual Battle

Equip your child for the battle ahead.

An invisible, spiritual battle is waging around us, a battle between God and Satan for control of our lives. In spite of God’s truth that the battle has already been won, Satan’s primary goal is to separate us from God and convince us that he holds absolute power over us.

Armor of God unpacks the six pieces of armor that God has revealed as essential tools to defend against Satan’s schemes on earth. Alongside their tween, parents will uncover important truths to better understand the enemy and how he works to ambush, outflank, and outsmart God’s army. Most importantly, parents and tweens will learn to use their God-given armor and employ strategies to defeat the one true enemy. In addition to guided Bible study and “Letters from the Battlefield,” Armor of God includes conversation starters and fun activities that will open a dialogue between parents and tweens and draw them deeply into God’s Word together.



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Meet Cat

Catherine Bird is a Bible study teacher and author who is passionate about helping parents and tweens explore the wonder of God’s Word. She has written several books including, Becoming a Girl of Grace: A Bible Study for Tween Girls and Their Moms, Building Circles of Grace, The Art of Amen, and Armor of God.

Through her years as a Bible study teacher and youth leader, Cat has learned effective techniques for teaching both adults and tweens. She delights in helping parents and kids delve deeper into Scripture while strengthening their relationship with one another. She has a knack for combining Scripture teaching with fun, memorable activities.

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