Hi, I'm Cat

Hi, I’m Cat! Welcome to my online home. I am so happy you’re here. I hope you’ll stay for a bit and meander around the resources available for you and your family.

I am a Bible study teacher, author, and an encourager to anyone who wants to know God deeper and more intimately.

I love Jesus, y’all. I really do. I believe with all my heart there is a space inside each of us that was designed just for God to fill. When we spend time with our Father in His Word, He fills us right up with Truth and wisdom.

We need this, friends. Every single one of us needs Jesus and God’s Word.

Because here’s another truth. There is an enemy who would love nothing more than to see us fail, to separate us from God, and to keep us distracted by the sparkly somethings of this broken world. That is not our story.

We are royalty, adopted into God’s family through the gift of salvation. This is an amazing story, and it’s ours. The enemy whispers lies and distracts us with the wonders of this world, but we were crafted to crave the wonder of God’s Word. This is why I have spent the last several years developing Bible study resources for parents and tweens to experience together. I am deeply passionate about encouraging other families and love to see parents and kids exploring God’s Word together.

When I am not writing, I spend lots of time with my family and friends. Being a wife and mama fuels my heart, and making memories with my people rate high on my list of priorities.  I also enjoy anything that has to do with colored pencils, glitter and glue. I like to say I’m multi-lingual, and crafting is definitely a language I speak well. As an introvert, I frequently need space and a little quiet, which means I am often found on a hiking trail or curled up with my hubby on our patio.

It’s not always easy, but I want to choose God above all else. I am a perfectly imperfect work in progress. Chasing after God has become a life-long pursuit. Let’s chase after him together.

Catherine Bird: Meet Cat
Catherine Bird: Meet Cat

Statement of Faith

I believe in the One Triune God, comprised of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

I believe God is Creator of all heaven and earth. He crafted things both seen and unseen, including humankind, whom God made in His own image. We were created to be in fellowship with God and with one another. Through sin, mankind broke this fellowship with God, and we continue to struggle against sin today.

I believe sin is what separates us from God. Every person is guilty of sin, which makes us all equally egregious in the eyes of God. 

I believe by the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Son of God, became incarnate from the Virgin Mary and was made man. Because of mankind’s sinful nature, God sent his only Son to bear the shame and to be the atonement for our transgressions. He suffered death and was buried.

I believe on the third day, He was raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit and will come again in triumph.

I believe the Holy Spirit convicts the hearts of people, leading them to accept the gift of salvation from our Lord, Jesus Christ. With the acceptance of His gift of salvation, hearts are transformed as the body of Christ continues to grow.

I believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God. Through Scripture, it is clear salvation is a free gift that cannot be earned through good works.

I believe the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ, who said He is the way and the Truth and life. No one goes to God the Father except through His Son.

I believe Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead, and His Kingdom will have no end. Until our Savior’s return, we are commissioned to know God and to make Him known so that all may join in the growing body of believers.


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