Catherine Bird: Welcome


Catherine Bird is a Bible study teacher and author who is passionate about helping parents and tweens explore the wonder of God’s Word. She has written several books including, Becoming a Girl of Grace: A Bible Study for Tween Girls and Their Moms, Building Circles of Grace, The Art of Amen, and Armor of God (releasing April 2021).

Cat’s messages equip and encourage families to:

  • Break out of society’s mold of “normal” and embrace the authentically created people God designed each of us to be.
  • Embrace the Truth that each and every person bears the image of our Creator and was created with purpose for a purpose.
  • Join the counter culture of other parents, tweens, and teens, who no longer feel conformed to worldly expectations.
  • Find release from busy schedules and be transformed by spending time in God’s word together.

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Free Gift for New Subscribers

For regular encouragement and tips on Bible study for parents and tweens, subscribe now! As my gift to you, I’ll also send a special Advent study for you and your family this holiday season.

Catherine Bird: A Four Week Advent Study

Fostering Families of Faith... Leaving a Legacy

We are royalty, adopted into God’s family through the gift of salvation. This is an amazing story, and it’s ours. The enemy whispers lies and distracts us with the wonders of this world, but we were crafted to crave the wonder of God’s Word. Let’s become people who are passionate about fostering families of faith and leave a legacy of generations transformed by Jesus.

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

Romans 12:2 (NLT)

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