Word of the Year 2018 - catherinebird.net

2018 Word of the Year

Applying my #wordoftheyear to all areas of my life.

Word of the Year 2018 - catherinebird.net

2017 was tough for so many reasons, the most important reason being the passing of my mom…a person whose voice I heard every single day, sometimes often more than once. Her illness consumed the lives of my family, and her death left a permanent scar on our hearts. I was there when she exhaled for the last time and stepped from her hospice bed into the arms of Jesus. What a beautiful gift. Yet, her chair remains noticeably empty. As I reflected on a word for 2018, my mom’s last exhale kept coming to mind.

Definition of EHXALE

• breathe out in a deliberate manner.

Exhale. To breathe out.

Breathing out means also breathing in. Breathing in the precious gift of life. Breathing in God’s Word. Breathing in my family and friends. Breathing in each moment that no one is promised and living each day to its fullest. Then breathing out. Breathing out stress. Breathing out doubt for God’s plan. Breathing out during yoga class as I prioritize my spiritual and physical wellness.

So in 2018, I intend to focus on #exhaling. Where will you set your intention for the upcoming year? What word did God place on your heart? 

Friend, it is always my privilege to pray for you. Please let me know how I can be covering you with prayer. I pray blessings for you and yours in this New Year.

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