Resources for Cat's Book Community

Becoming a Girl of Grace

A Joint Bible Study for Tween Girls and Their Moms

Finding responsible role models today can be especially difficult if you are a tween girl, or the parent of one. In Becoming a Girl of Grace, Catherine Bird takes a close look at some of the amazing women of the Bible and the character traits they model for today’s tween girls. These women of yesterday have a lot to share with the girls of today! Dealing with mean girls and bullies, feeling left out, and learning to like oneself are not new social dilemmas. The Bible is full of examples of strong females who chose to follow God and pursue faith despite what was happening in their world and cultures.

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Armor of God

A Bible Study for Tweens and Parents in Today’s Spiritual Battle

Equip your child for the battle ahead.

An invisible, spiritual battle is waging around us, a battle between God and Satan for control of our lives. In spite of God’s truth that the battle has already been won, Satan’s primary goal is to separate us from God and convince us that he holds absolute power over us.

Armor of God unpacks the six pieces of armor that God has revealed as essential tools to defend against Satan’s schemes on earth. Alongside their tween, parents will uncover important truths to better understand the enemy and how he works to ambush, outflank, and outsmart God’s army. Most importantly, parents and tweens will learn to use their God-given armor and employ strategies to defeat the one true enemy. In addition to guided Bible study and “Letters from the Battlefield,” Armor of God includes conversation starters and fun activities that will open a dialogue between parents and tweens and draw them deeply into God’s Word together.

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The Art of Amen

A Creative Prayer Experience

Let creativity bring your prayers to life. Too often, prayer time is pushed to the bottom of a never-ending to-do list and can start to feel like a chore. But when God gave us the gift of prayer, he was inviting us to set aside regular, consistent time to grow in our relationship with him. Infused with biblical truths, The Art of Amen will rejuvenate you with an artful blend of teachings on prayer and rich examples of creative prayer styles-such as Bible journaling, prayer walks, and intercessional prayer art. The Art of Amen will help you grow in your practice of prayer and explore the reasons why you pray. You’ll also take a fresh look at what Jesus says about prayer and what it means to invite the Holy Spirit into your life. Whether for personal worship or small group study, this creative prayer experience takes the guesswork out of prayer and is the perfect tool to help you build a deeper relationship with God.

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Building Circles of Grace

A Joint Bible Study for Tween Girls and Their Moms

In the next book of the Girls of Grace series, Catherine encourages moms and daughters to explore what it means to build and sustain Christ-centered relationships with what Catherine calls circles of grace—the relationships that we develop beyond our relationship with God.  Some of the toughest experiences we encounter as young girls (and moms, too) are a result of the people we choose as friends.

How do you respond with grace to a bully?  How do you cope with the loss of a friendship?  Can you really make a difference by putting Jesus first when it’s not the cool thing to do? Building Circles of Grace: A Joint Bible Study for Tween Girls & Their Moms invites moms and daughters to discuss all of these questions and more.

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Cat is ready to partner with you.

We are not designed to experience life alone. Community is a gift from God to each of us, and Scripture is rich with instruction about how we are to love one another. For example…

“Everything in the world is about to be wrapped up, so take nothing for granted. Stay wide-awake in prayer. Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: if words, let it be God’s words; if help, let it be God’s hearty help. That way, God’s bright presence will be evident in everything through Jesus, and he’ll get all the credit as the One mighty in everything—encores to the end of time. Oh, yes! (1 Pet. 4:7–11 MSG)

At the very center of community is the God who created it. Our God, the creator of all things (Col. 1:16), in his perfect wisdom, crafted us to crave what we need most aside from him – and that is one another. While I may not be able to personally welcome each of you into my home or share a meal with you, I am able to pray. And it is my honor to do so. Please submit your prayer requests here, and let me know how I can pray for each of you.

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