Fall Bible study is back!

Hello, friends!

It is that time of year, again.  Some of us have already bid farewell to relaxed summer schedules and jumped headfirst into school.  I don’t know about y’all, but this mama was one burned out chickadee last May.  My girls and I have spent much of the summer playing, reading and traveling–all while staying as wet as possible.  Each day was a delight as we decided which swimsuit and pool cover-up to wear, or what time we would hit the trails for a hike.

Hopefully, your summers were as restful and relaxing as ours.  School is in full-swing for us now.  I have to say, friends.  Routine days are a welcome change from the summer pace we were loving just three weeks ago.  I love this season and all that comes with it–cooler weather, pumpkins, cooler weather, spiced apples, cooler weather, fall decorations, yummy fall-scented candles…I could go on and on.  Did I mention cooler weather?  🙂

Another fun reason to enjoy this new season is the return of Bible study.  Thank you for your patience as God granted me a season of rest and reflection.  He has renewed my spirit and placed so many fun new ideas on my heart.  Exciting new developments are on the horizon, and I can not wait to share them all with you as they unfold.


So here’s how online Bible study will work this fall.  If you haven’t already, sign up so that you are receiving our weekly posts in your inbox.  I promise not to inundate your mailboxes.  Each Wednesday, you will receive a devotion, scripture reading and suggested mom/daughter activity to do on your own.  We are also launching a new podcast series–“Potluck & Podcasts”–in conjunction with online study.  Once the first podcast is available (week of 9/14), you will have the option to signup so that future weekly podcasts are delivered right to your phone or computer.  Easy as pie!

So what are we going to talk about during the upcoming study?  Friendships.  We are going to explore with our tween girls what it means to build and sustain Christ-centered relationships. Some of the toughest experiences we encounter as young girls (and moms, too) are a result of the people we choose as friends. How do you respond with grace to a bully? How do you cope with the loss of a friendship? Can you really make a difference by putting Jesus first when it’s not the “cool” thing to do? Through our study this fall, we are going to shares ways to start these conversations and more.

Be on the lookout for the detailed schedule, which should be posted early next week.  Please share with your friends and think about starting a small group to help with accountability.  “Potluck & Podcasts” will be a great opportunity for moms and daughters to come together in fellowship and listen to an encouraging message on the weekly topic.

Online Bible study is intended to make your lives fuller despite busy schedules, so let the flexibility of this opportunity be a blessing to you and yours.  I am so humbled and excited to share this journey with each of you!

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