God Bless Texas

#prayersforTexas and Ways YOU Can Help

God bless Texas

Devastation. Epic flooding. Lives irrevocably changed. Waters still rising. Images too horrific for words splattered all over our televisions and news feeds.  My daddy is in Houston, friends. So many of us, our family, and our friends have been affected by Hurricane Harvey.

I can’t stop watching the news and the Weather Channel.  If you’re like me, you want to help but feel helpless as where to start.  That’s where there is good news in the midst of so much sadness and loss.


Images of neighbors who have never met coming to the aid of a friend in need.

Good samaritans loading up boats and supplies from other Texas areas and other states who have headed to Houston to assist with the high-water rescue efforts.


We are witnessing a bright spot of humanity as people, organizations and communities literally from all over the country who have come together to lend assistance to our neighbors in need.

God Bless Texas

Below is a list of organizations and WAYS YOU CAN HELP while flood waters continue to rise in part of Southeast Texas.  This is by no means an exhaustive list, but these are just a few ways we can help our family members, friends and neighbors affected by Hurricane Harvey.

  • American Red Cross — which provides emergency assistance and disaster relief.  Most of us are familiar with the awesome work our Red Cross staff and volunteers provide.  HOW TO DONATE: Click here.
  • Central Texas Food Bank — which provides food for disaster victims.  HOW TO DONATE: Click here.
  • First United Methodist Church – Round Rock — is raising donations to purchase supplies for Flood Buckets and Health Kits. Volunteer opportunities to help assemble the buckets and kits are also available. HOW TO DONATE: Click here.
  • H.E. Butt Grocery Co. (fondly known to Texans as our local H-E-B) — offering customers an opportunity to support victims through donations of $1, $3, or $5, which can be added to their total grocery bill.  H-E-B is providing hot meals to evacuees, supplies for our displaced neighbors and recently committed $100,000 toward the #hurricaneharvey relief effort.  HOW TO DONATE: Visit local H-E-B and make your donation at the register.
  • The Houston Coalition for the Homeless — which is coordinating shelter for homeless neighbors in Houston, including offering timely information about which shelters currently have space, who’s the best fit for each one, and how to get there safely.   HOW TO DONATE: Click here.
  • Texas Veterinary Medical Foundation — which provides disaster relief for our four-legged friends displaced by Hurricane Harvey.  Financial support to this organization directly benefits injured and displaced animals along with the veterinarians who are working so hard to care for them.  HOW TO DONATE: Click here.
  • Williamson County Deputies Association — is collecting supplies such as socks, underwear and toiletries for men, women and children.  Toothpaste, mouthwash, and razors are items specifically needed as well. HOW TO DONATE: There is a collection box at the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office, 508 S. Rock Street, Georgetown, TX. They are accepting donations through September 1.

There are simply no words to adequately convey the despair felt in Texas since Hurricane Harvey made landfall on Friday, August 25.  In my grief over the loss of my mom in June and the worry over my daddy in Houston during this last week, I honestly admit there have been times when I sat quietly and couldn’t think of how to begin praying for and over all those who are hurting so badly.

That’s when God reminded me that I don’t have to have the words.

And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will” (Romans 8:26-27).  

I pray we all continue to lift our eyes to Jesus, continue to lean deeply into the community for which we were created to crave and need, and draw effortlessly from God’s strength and unwavering promise that He is present, listening and working on our behalf.

Much love to you, friends.

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