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Faith over Fear: Embracing Prayer during a Pandemic

The_Art_OF_AmenHello, friends. It’s been some time since I’ve shared a message with you through my blog. Life has happened for all of us. My oldest child’s senior year of high school ended quite differently than we could have ever imagined. Milestones missed. Events cancelled. Communities separated. Our new normal looks nothing like the life we were living just five months ago.

My family has mourned the loss of the normal we knew. We miss seeing our friends, going to church, and leaving the house without a mask. What strange times these are…

I’ll admit. Sometimes fear creeps in. It’s tough not to feel anxious when reading through headlines or watching the news. One of the most surreal moments I’ve felt during this global pandemic happened when hubby and I were buying groceries—a regular shopping trip—just before the shutdown. You could feel the fear and anxiety oozing from other shoppers as they frantically grabbed at products on the shelves, which were mostly empty. Boxes littered the aisles, and shelves were decimated. Most of us have never encountered an experience like this in our lifetime…not until COVID-19.

However, fear is not of God. That is the enemy’s trademark tool.

Even in the midst of sadness and uncertainty, we can have confidence that God still sits on his throne. He is still sovereign. None of this has caught him by surprise.

Like many of you, besides packing on a few pandemic pounds (as we fondly call them), my family has been given an opportunity to re-prioritize where we spend our time and energy. When the global pandemic hit, we were in the thick of senior year activities and all that comes with launching a kiddo from high school. Suddenly, we had all kinds of time on our hands.

My children coped by baking, which thankfully seems to have been short-lived. My pants couldn’t take that long term. My daily walks turned into family walks, which as an introvert…let’s just say I found a way for it to be enjoyable for all of us.

The first time my youngest joined my older daughter and me, she told her sister, “You need to know that mom wears her air pods for the first half of the walk, but then she takes them out and we get to talk!” It’s the little things, people.

All to say, with this unexpected pandemic, we have the opportunity to re-prioritize what really matters. Instead of setting our lives to the rhythm of rush, God pressed pause. What are you doing with the gift of time you’ve been given?



The Art of Amen has experienced a resurgence during the last few months, and I love to see people embracing faith over fear. In the coming weeks, you’ll hear more about the heart behind each creative prayer method and fun ways to put each into practice. Prayer is ALWAYS relevant and impactful. I invite you to join me, so grab a journal, your favorite colored pencils, and get ready to have some fun.

In the meantime, I’d love to pray for you.

Heavenly Father, draw close to my friends. Hold them in the palm of your hand and give them peace. In the face of a global pandemic, remind us all, Lord, that you are always in control. Give each of us an insatiable desire to spend time with you in prayer—that open, honest conversation that you long to have. Fill our hearts with such hunger to know you better and to delve deep into your Word. Impart a sense of hope and love, Father, that can only come from you. Prepare our hearts to be transformed by re-prioritizing prayer and choosing faith over fear. It’s in your precious son’s name we pray, Amen.

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