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Special Live Stream Preview – Building Circles of Grace

Hi, friends!  So 2017 began about 30 minutes ago, and it’s already May.  Does anyone else feel that way?  My girls’ last day of school is tomorrow (whaaaa??), and we are in the midst of prepping for new floors in our house.  I am really trying to remember why I thought the last week of school was a great time to do this.  Whatevs, right?  It’s that season of life, and even though it moves at lightning speed, I remain more than blessed.  Next week, when my house is completely torn apart, please remind me I said this.

Okay, so who is ready for some crazy fun news?  (deep breaths) Y’all, I can hardly stand it.  Starting on June 7th, my girls and I are going to be hosting a special live stream preview of Building Circles of Grace, which is the next Bible study in the Girls of Grace series.  Here’s the deal, though.  It’s not just one week!  We are trying something new and different as part of the book launch process.  For eight weeks, we’ll come together so moms and daughters everywhere can join in this fun new study BEFORE it even hits bookshelves in August.

So how will it work?  It’s simple!

  1. Pre-order your copy of the book here: http://bit.ly/BCOGpreorder.
  2. Email your proof of purchase to [email protected] and then receive a FREE e-copy version of the book prior to the start of our summer preview party on June 7th!
  3. You’ll be added to a private Facebook group where the live stream videos will be posted along with supply lists for each week should you want to be prepared with your own small group to participate in the Bible study activities.
  4. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, June 7th, from 6 – 7 pm CST for our live stream kick-off party!
  5. Participating mamas and daughters will be entered to win a fun giveaway at the end of the study during book launch week.  We’ll have a final celebratory live stream on Wednesday, August 9th, from 6-7 pm, when the winners will be announced.  You won’t want to miss all the fun we’re going to have!

My heart behind these studies is to equip and empower mamas and their mini me’s to draw closer to one another while digging into God’s Truths, building memories and sharing laughter along the way.  I hope you will join my daughters and me this summer as we delve into what it means to build and sustain Christ-centered relationships.  What are Christ-centered relationships?  How do you reflect grace when confronted by a bully or a mean girl?  What are ways we can cope with the loss of a friendship?  Can we put Jesus first when it isn’t the politically correct thing to do?  We’re doing to dive head first into all these questions and more!

I know it’s a busy season with the end of school, and I am so not in the business of adding to your to-do lists.  However, I am already praying for you, mamas.  If this is your season to join us for summer study, I look forward to sharing space with you!  If it isn’t, that’s okay.  You are right where you need to be, and I will continue to pray God’s peace and blessings on you and yours.

Okay, friends!  The countdown officially begins NOW!  We’ll get this party started FIVE weeks from today!  On your mark!  Get set!  GO!

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