I’ve always enjoyed traveling and seeing other places, meeting new people, and experiencing new cultures. Oh, how I miss the days of planning that next adventure. These are strange times, aren’t they?
For now, I’m embracing the here and now and remembering exciting destinations I’ve been. My all time favorite trip remains the one we took to Israel. My mom and dad led more than a dozen tours before she could no longer travel. We were so fortunate to travel with them along with several other family members and friends. Talk about turning the Bible into a pop-up book!
My mom loved Israel so much that her final wish was to have her remains scattered at the Anchor Church on the Sea of Galilee. She often held contemplative looks as she sat quietly, taking in the sights and sounds all around her. When we visited the Garden Tomb, we were giddy! I mean…y’all. It was such a surreal experience. Yet, my mom sat peacefully observing the bustling excitement that surrounded her.
I long for the day when this global pandemic will be behind us and traveling may resume. Until then, maybe we can embrace the space where we are to sit quietly and take in all the sights and sounds around us. What a beautiful gift it is to have a home, to have a family, and to be surrounded by blessings we’ve often taken for granted.

I’m a dreamer. I love to imagine ALL the things. I really do. Lately, though, God has grounded my thoughts in the blessings that ARE instead of the blessings that COULD BE. What is God whispering to you?