Building Circles of Grace -

Love books?

Calling all #girlmoms!  The release date for Building Circles of Grace, a Bible study for tween girls and their moms is on TUESDAY!  If you love to read and review books, we hope you’ll consider joining us for the Building Circles launch team.

Applications are open now and can be found here.  It just takes a few minutes to complete, so please submit your applications before Sunday at 11:59pm EST.

Building Circles of Grace -

Please join the #teamgrace movement and help equip and encourage other mamas and their girls by giving them another tool to dig deeper into God’s Word together.

As you’ve heard me say  before, I am so not in the business of adding more to your long list of to do’s, so if this isn’t your season to help, that is a-okay.  I would cherish your prayers and ask God’s provision and grace as we work hard to sow seeds to moms and girls everywhere.  Our goal?  To bring moms and daughters closer together through God’s Word, deepening their relationship with one another–all while embracing their true identities as image bearers of Jesus.

I hope you will come along on this journey with us.  Thank you, friends!

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Free Gift for New Subscribers

For regular encouragement and tips on Bible study for parents and tweens, subscribe now! As my gift to you, I’ll also send a special Advent study for you and your family this holiday season.

Catherine Bird: A Four Week Advent Study
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